Grant FAQs

  • Not currently. Organizations are invited to submit their grant request in the format determined to most accurately present that request. The grant request must, however, include the minimum elements contained in the checklist located in the section titled “Grant Guidelines.”

  • Yes, you may scan your request and email it to

  • No, all grant requests should be emailed to or mailed to the Foundation’s mailing address (see “Contact Us”).

  • The deadline is October 31st of each year.

  • No limit applies to the amount which may be requested. Except in extraordinary situations the grants are often in amounts ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.

  • The Foundation’s Directors carefully consider all grant requests received. However, those supporting the population of Red River County, Texas and its neighboring counties, and which may provide needed services in this area, receive special consideration.

  • No. Grants are awarded only for specific projects or programs.

  • Decisions concerning grants are made in December of each year.

  • All applicants will be notified of their grant request results by letter mailed in late December of the year of their request.