Limitations and Restrictions on Grants

The Lennox Foundation’s support will be provided to those organizations classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (but not to private foundations, as described in Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code).  The support of the Lennox Foundation for a particular purpose may be premised upon grant matching by supporters of the recipient organization.

In order to make significant contributions to those categories of its support described earlier, the Lennox Foundation will not contribute to:

  • Individuals;

  • Organizations which are private foundations or which do not have Code Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for federal tax purposes;

  • Political candidates or organizations;

  • Dinners, benefits, exhibits, conferences, and other one-time, short-term activities; and

  • The funding of an organization’s general endowment.

No monetary limits are imposed on any particular grant, but the Lennox Foundation anticipates that from time to time it will implement limits on both the amount of grants and the number of grants available to a particular recipient.  The Lennox Foundation anticipates that grant possibilities it may consider will far exceed its annual capacity to make grants.  Consequently, it implements strict selectivity in providing its funds for those public causes it deems most worthy.


Application Guidelines

  1. All applications must be in the form of a written request submitted to the Martha, David and Bagby Lennox Foundation at the email address provided for grant submissions ( If it is not possible to scan and email your grant request, you may mail a paper copy to the Foundation’s mailing address (see “Contact Us”).

  2. Preference is given to qualified organizations that are located in, or impact the population of, Red River County, Texas and the immediately surrounding counties.

  3. Most grants are awarded in late December of each year. The deadline for the submission of a grant request is October 31 of each year.


Information to Include in Your Request:

Your grant application contains the minimum necessary elements if all of the items on this checklist have been included in your request:


_____ name and address of organization

_____ name of contact person, title or position, telephone number, email address, and mailing address

_____ names of current officers and directors

_____ copy of IRC §501(c)(3) determination letter received from the Internal Revenue Service

_____ written verification signed by an authorized representative that the IRC §501(c)(3) status remains in full effect

_____ description of organization requesting grant – the mission, history, goals, and achievements of the organization

_____ description of project or program that is the subject of the grant request – purpose and goals of the request and       information regarding geographic area and population to be benefited.

_____ specific dollar amount requested

_____ total cost and budget for the project or program including supporting information for the grant request such as bids,    proposals, invoices, and/or projections, etc.

_____ information regarding other funding already obtained for the project, amounts pledged, and other sources being solicited for funding

_____ information concerning the duration of the project or program

_____ current financial information of the requesting organization

_____ Financial statements and a copy of the most recent IRS Form 990 as filed with the Internal Revenue Service.


*All organizations receiving a grant from the Martha, David and Bagby Lennox Foundation will be required to enter into a Grant Agreement outlining the conditions under which the grant will be awarded.  No grant is awarded to any organization declining to enter into this binding agreement.  That agreement will require a return of grant funds if the project is not completed according to the recipient’s commitment.


Final Reports

Each organization that receives a grant in one year must, by October 31 of the next year, provide a Final Grant Report concerning the use of the grant.  The Final Grant Report form that should be used can be found at the links below.

Final Grant Report (Microsoft Word version)

Final Grant Report (Editable PDF version)

*Failure to provide this Final Report may negatively impact the ability of an organization to be considered for grants in subsequent years.